Music Mondays: The Most Important Video On The Internetz!

Saturday and Sunday:

While there were a couple bits of news that happened this weekend (Jenna Andrews releasing the remix of her song Charge Me [1] and Liam Gallagher claiming that he may or may not have had a thing or two to do with Daft Punk’s latest single and hit Get Lucky [1]), there was only one thing that I paid attention to this weekend — the video that was officially the most important video of the weekend and, indeed, the entire week…

Graham Norton had guests Will and Jaden Smith on his show, promoting their joint cinema release, After Earth. What happened during their visit is nothing short of the most brilliant thing to happen to TV and internet since the inception of both. Just… just… just watch:

And that’ll about do it. But, as always, I leave you with some free awesomeness. How about this ridiculous track from Daughn Gibson that’s eight different types of weird and amazing! Check it out and download it here.

Also, a video I meant to share last week, but sorta kinda forgot. How about this group that I’ve loved for years now just released one of their best covers. A cappella group Legaci just pours much soul into their music and interpretations that I get sort of giddy when I see them in my YouTube video feed. Yeah, it’s cheating… but so what… Haha. Enjoy!


As unexpected as my path was to loving all things weird, more unexpected is my ability to get attention for writing about the stuff.

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