The Juan-And-Only Award Winners – 2011 Edition!

And now for the fun part of the night: the acting awards! People constantly fight and bitch and moan about who deserves certain Oscar awards and there has never been a year where someone thinks that an actor or actress was snubbed. I like to think I did a decent job at choosing the right ones, but even I’ve had complaints on my nominees. Our voting crew has done their best to select the best candidates from each category to represent who has matured in the acting career and has also delivered the best performance(s) of the year. We also have a celebrity guest joining us tonight to help announce the winners.

Sorry guys, my producers Leo and Max have just warned me that our celebrity guest has dropped out. I guess adopting babies or puppies or something was more important than getting me some decent ratings or views. No big deal. We won’t hold it against you. You know who you are. Anyway, back to the show!

Best Supporting Actor

Some actors wait their entire careers to get recognized by the Academy as someone deserving of an Oscar, but tonight’s winner has been deserving of an award ever since he charmed the pants off of everyone in the universe in The Sound of Music. Tonight’s winner, for his marvelous performance in Beginners, is Christopher Plummer. 

The runner-up was Ben Kingsley for his performance in Martin Scorsese’s film, Hugo.


Best Supporting Actress

Some of the ladies on here have been in more than one film this year and I can in all honesty say they’ve never been better than the work they’ve dished out now. However, one woman — who has popped out of seemingly nowhere this year — has managed to trump them all in the voting process. For her absolutely magnificent performances in The Tree of Life, Take Shelter, The Help, The Debt, and more, tonight’s winner is none other than Jessica Chastain.

The runner-up was Carey Mulligan for her performances in both Refn’s Drive and McQueen’s Shame.

Best Actor

Let me tell you, not a single actor that was nominated for this category was undeserving of his spot. If it were possible, every man would get an award tonight because each brought some grade-A performances to their films. Alas, we can only award one and tonight the true winner showed quite literally everything he had for his lead role in Shame. Michael Fassbender has shown up in plenty of films this year, but his work as a sex addict in Steve McQueen’s movie is truly his best.

The runner-up was Michael Shannon for Jeff Nichols’ film, Take Shelter.

Best Actress

We save the best and the hardest for last. At one point during the voting, there was a three-way tie for Best Actress and it’s no surprise because all of these leading ladies have dished out some of the best performances in their careers. Some of them have had very short careers and some have spanned over decades, but regardless, they’ve all done their best. The winner this year, who has always played the wife but now embodies an icon like no other, is the lovely Michelle Williams for her work in My Week With Marilyn and Meek’s Cutoff.

The runner-up was Tilda Swinton in Lynne Ramsay’s film, We Need to Talk About Kevin.

And now what you’ve all been waiting for…the final four awards of the night! Right after this commercial break!

Find out the best screenplays as well as best director and picture on the final page of the Juan-And-Only Awards.

Juan Barquin

Just yer average twenty-something college student with no time on his hands who ends up watching (and writing) too many movies and shows for his own good.

8 Responses

  1. Albert Brooks is in a corner crying.

    • Rodrigo says:

      @cinema-fanatic, He’ll tweet about getting shafted in the awards. Not even 2nd place. Brooks was great in Drive.

    • Juan Barquin says:

      @cinema-fanatic, I still feel terrible for not including him in the nominees, but by the time I posted them it was too late :(

      He probably would have gotten second place though. Plummer honestly won by a landslide.

  2. amy says:

    I can’t believe Submarine won over MMMM. And I really can’t believe Tintin won the animation category xD But… otherwise, I think it’s hard to criticize when you haven’t really snub much (except for Chico & Rita LOL).

    • Juan Barquin says:

      @amy, I’m actually really pleasantly surprised about the debut actually! I personally liked both of those better than MMMM and the voters did as well. And I know you’re not pleased with my snubbing Chico & Rita, but I hadn’t seen it back then!

      • amy says:

        @Juan Barquin, that’s why you watch EVERYTHING before nominations hahaha

        About Submarine… it’s not like I liked many of the debuts, but from all that were nominated, I liked MMMM a little bit better.

  3. Julyssa says:

    Oh Juan, you so funny la!
    This made my morning! So entertaining. Also:

    FUCK YES FASSY WON!!!! In your face Oscars!

  4. Thomas says:

    What?! No Real Steel nominations?! Also, Cars 2 should’ve won best animation!

    I’m kidding of course. Great read! I actually was satisfied with an awards show for once. (Even if Rango was beat out by Tin Tin. :D) Anyway, I’ll finally get to see Shame tonight and based on all of your praise for it I’m 99% sure it’ll be fantastic!

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