The Fangirly Diary of a Geek Girl: What time is it? It’s casting time!


Yes! We finally have confirmation on Tom Hiddleston and Anna Paquin (and Elijah Wood) in Black Wings Has My Angel. It is also the Hollywood debut for Mexican director Alfonso Pineda Ulloa.

Here’s the new poster for Iron Man 3, where we can see Don Cheadle as Iron Patriot:



I still wish Terrence Howard was Rhodey. His take on the character was much more what I have in mind, but oh well. Maybe Shane Black has directed him better.

Chloe Moretz say there will be romance for Hit-Girl in Kick-Ass 2, and I’m not sure I want…. of course, her Hit-Girl is way older than her comic book counterpart.

There’s going to get a bit more romance, a much more grown up Mindy Macready. Someone who’s questioning themself and whether they are a villain, assassin or a vigilante and a hero. So there’s a lot of tormented inner self, it’s interesting.

Here’s a long interview with Tom Kenny, the voice actor of the Ice King in awesome Adventure Time. Dude has an extensive resume, and he talks about that as well as give sinsights on the character and the show:

To me, Adventure Time is really about the world and the relationships. I remember as a teenager reading this Harlan Ellison story called A Boy and His Dog about a kid and his telepathic dog, wandering a post-apocalyptic world. When I saw that first Adventure Time, it made me remember that. It kind of was a combination of that and Mad Max and The Simpsons, in that it’s a really populated world with tons of people in it, and once in a while the show will take a turn, and you’ll get to see more of these people that you’ve really only seen in passing.

And here’s the new cover of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, the first cover of all seven that will appear in paperback editions in September in US bookstores. Why? It’s the 15th anniversary of the US publication of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone! Yeah, now I feel old.



Happy Birthday, Simon Pegg! Yep, he was born on Valentine’s Day~


Yes, how could I forget it’s Valentine’s Day? Internet sure liked to remind me in geeky ways~ Here are the deleted scenes of Super Hero Speed Dating (which you can see on my Facebook). Now, I kinda want a Super Villain Speed Dating. Yes, I am crazy like that.

Talking about videos, something that has nothing to do with Valentine, but it’s something I love. Yep, it’s about The Hobbit. Here is the VFX breakdown of creatures and backgrounds.

There’s a new intriguing and probably viral website for Iron Man 3. It’s called, and just the main page shows talks about a future registration. Yeah, I know it probably won’t be about it, but when I hear about Iron Man and registration, I cannot help but think about Civil War.

In lots of X-Men: Days of Future Past news, Bryan Singer confirms that the movie will be shot in 3D and that he will “correct a few things” that don’t make sense with all the confusing timelines. Singer also enthusiastically welcomed Peter Dinklage to the cast on his Twitter. What’s he gonna do? According to Variety, he’s going to be the “main antagonist”.

Besides that, Hugh Jackman says that he was told Wolverine will have a large part that will reunite him with most of the original cast:

I was literally finishing The Wolverine and dreaming about lasagna, and about three weeks before the end, they told me. There was no way I was not going to be part of that.


YAM Magazine geek resident. Cloud Cuckoolander. Seldom web developer. Graphic designer.

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