Interview with The Super Orchestra

I had the opportunity to listen to your album, Start Over, really quickly before meeting you. I really enjoyed it. What plans do you have now that the album is out, and you have released a single via 100songs?

Robin: We released the album in mid-January, and now the single Jealous, which is sort of the raisin on the cookie. There are a lot of raisins in this cookie, sort of a raisin cookie, I guess we can say.

[Erik laughs hard]

Robin: It’s sort of one of the raisins, perhaps a bit bigger than the others.

You are not used to being interviewed, right?

Robin: No.

[Erik and I laugh]

Robin: So 100songs signed that one, the big raisin.

Erik: It’s actually already been released through us, and now it has been re-released.

Robin: We are sort of hoping for it to get wings because we don’t really have that much power, really, in exposing it. It has started out good I think, with the video it might really work. We are really interested in playing live, that is the idea with this album. We have done releases before by ourselves, but more..

Erik: More mellow and calm.

From what I heard from the album it’s a little bit more pop, a little bit more mainstream.

Robin: That is true, the album is made to be played live and perhaps even danced to.

Erik: Hopefully!

Maybe you can do a club remix of Jealous, it should work!

Robin: We should do that, a dubstep version.

Erik: [while laughing] Yes, dubstep! It wouldn’t be too hard.

Robin: We could totally do that.

I don’t think I have any more questions for now, seeing as this is your first interview, a very exclusive interview for YAM Magazine.

Erik: It is actually! How does it feel to be the first one to interview us?

It feels goos I guess [laughs], I don’t know. Maybe I will start a little ball rolling. It is always great being the first, when people Google your guys’ name, then this interview will pop up first, that makes me proud.

Erik: Congratulations!

Thank you! I will be giddy and boast about the fact that people heard you first via us (YAM).

Robin: You did good because we haven’t ever given an interview, and it felt great.

Aw, thank you! Hopefully we will hear more from you soon.

Robin: Well, the whole album is out so you can listen to it via iTunes or Spotify. We have done videos for other songs, which you can see on our official website. For example the song Think Of Us, which is a choir song. It’s closer to those things we used to do.

Thank you for the interview.

Robin & Erik: Thank You!


Music is all I do: I work in music, I write about music, I listen to music.

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