The Fangirly Diary of a Geek Girl: When Thor’s away, Loki will play


Chris Hemsworth is The Man of the Year in GQ Australia… because, frankly, who else? Hugh Jackman is certainly not a new thing. Damn, Chris looks great in a suit and a ponytail.

Meanwhile, Hiddles sneaks his way into The Culture 100 from Time Out London. Thanks for the heads up, Luke Windsor; you are doing a great job as a publicist! BTW, in the Time Out London Debate 20012, there’s this important question: who will win in a fight between Tom Hiddleston and Benedict Cumberbatch? “C) Neither, they’d just roll around on the ground cursing, but it’d be hilarious”. LOL, I’d pay for that. Both guys are trained in film-fighting though~

Since I watched Thor & Loki: Blood Brothers, I’ve been down with motion comics, even if some find them pointless, so I’m excited with the trailer for Joss Whedon’s Astonishing X-Men: Unstoppable, the fourth installment and finishing arc of the Astonishing X-Men saga.

Stephen Arnell talks about why Oliver Queen is a killer in Arrow… it’s only logical~

I’ve always wanted to play somebody who was unflinching, who set up for something and followed through with it. That’s why we have to kill people on the show, because he’s trying to clean up the city. To think that there wouldn’t be collateral damage, that would be farcical.

OMG Jack Nicholson might be in a new movie! And playing RDJ’s father! And RDJ wouldn’t be in a franchise movie (not that I don’t love those)! Yay to all of the above!


Proving Chris Hemsworth ain’t the only GQ mofo, Tom Hiddleston had a most excellent interview with GQ UK. Where he explains, amongst others things, that his future is a “blank canvas” deliberately:

It’s been so long since I’ve been able to turn the corner into empty, open road. I know something great will happen and I was kind of waiting for that thing where you just fall in love. You fall in love with a possibility – a film, a character, a project – there’s no self persuasion. It’s just “I have to do that, and that’s where I’m going.”

And we finally see how Christopher Eccleston looks as Malekith in Thor: The Dark World… the hell! Why is all that pretty pretty hair behind such a severe braid? And why do the Dark Elves look like Doctor Who‘s Cybermen? I am disappointed! Even Thor doesn’t approve!

Here’s a new TV spot for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, which I like because it has new scenes and something quotable:

I know you doubt me. I know you always have. I often think of Bag End. That’s where I belong. That’s home. You don’t have one. It was taken from you, but I will help you take it back if I can.

Oh, Bilbo~

So, the first teaser poster (and banner) of Game of Thrones Season 3 also reveals the date of the premiere: 31/03/13. HBO is also mean and wants me poor, and releases this thing of absolute beauty:


YAM Magazine geek resident. Cloud Cuckoolander. Seldom web developer. Graphic designer.

4 Responses

  1. I can see Tom Hiddleston playing a Jedi. It would be entertaining, though, if he was a Rebel Alliance/New Republic pilot with an American farmboy accent.

  2. Camiele says:

    O.O EVANGELION!!!!!!

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