The Fangirly Diary of a Geek Girl: Definitely maybe not Khan


We get two new Studio Ghibli animated movies for next year: Kaze Tachinu (The Wind Rises) and Kaguya-hime no Monogatari (The Tale of Princess Kaguya). And I am totally here for these!


The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey concept art. Man, I love concept art! It even includes fabulous Thranduil on his giant elk!

We get release days of Man of Steel [1] and The Wolverine [2]! Ha! I’ll be watching them both before people in US!

Empire has an interview with Jonathan Nolan, the nicer and sligthly better looking brother of Christopher Nolan, and often his co-writer. They talked about the Batman movies, the Justice League movie, the future… and how he liked The Avengers:

I did. To me Joss Whedon is a god, I’m just a huge fan of his work, I love his work on TV. And I thought The Avengers was just an incredible achievement.

Talking about Justice League, the possible plot of the movie is Darkseid and his fiendish plot to destroy Earth with a ray that’ll move Apokolips (his home planet) into the Earth’s place. Yeah, it’s totally over the top, considering the tone DC movies have lately.

I am totally liking these Django Unchained clips! Especially Leonardo DiCaprio’s part. That’s new~

So, you know The Mummy is getting a remake. But we are not talking about the films with Brendan Fraser. Nope. We are talking about this very old Universal franchise. Yep, we are talking about the movies from the 30s. But Director Len Wiseman wants it very clear this new take on The Mummy will be different:

It’s horror. Its epic. It’s more of a modern day version of what would happen if we came across a mummy in our world today. It is pretty fascinating.

Matt Damon got interviewed by Playboy about many things. Among them was Matt Damon’s role in Behind the Candelabra, where he plays the lover of Michael Douglas’ Liberace. He says Douglas is a wonderful kisser~ Damon also shows his awesome side talking about the gay rumors with Ben Affleck:

I never denied those rumors because I was offended and didn’t want to offend my friends who were gay—as if being gay were some kind of fucking disease. It put me in a weird position in that sense. The whole thing was just gross. But look, there have been great signs of progress—the fact that Anderson Cooper and Ellen DeGeneres can come out so beautifully and powerfully, and it’s a big fucking deal that it turns out nobody gives a shit. If Liberace were alive today, everybody would love his music and nobody would care what he did in his private life. Like with Elton John.

And that’s it for the week. Before I go, check Tom Hiddleston narrating a kinda different Lorax story on Robot Chicken. So, can Hiddles naturally make his voice that high, or did he inhale some helium?


YAM Magazine geek resident. Cloud Cuckoolander. Seldom web developer. Graphic designer.

3 Responses

  1. Camiele says:

    There’s just sooooo friggin much I have to say right now, I don’t even…

    Matt Damon!!! Just… GOD STAWP being so damn perfect ALL THE TIME! Dude, you’re married. It’s not like I’ve got much of a chance now *side eyes* But this film in which he is suddenly lockin lips with Liberace… possibly the greatest idea put in any film ever concevied by man!

    OH MEH GAAAAAD!!!! Studio Ghibli DOING THINGS!!!! It doesn’t really actually matter what it is. As long as it’s something that I’ll end up (willingly) spending my negative cash on… it could be the worst thing in the world and I’d STILL buy it because… MIYAZAKI!!!!

    Not quite sure how I feel about them remaking such a classic as The Mummy. Though, I didn’t see the remake of The Wolfman, so I suppose I’ve no room to judge, right?

    And a quick question? Where did all this hate for Leo come from? I love him to death. I’ve ALWAYS thought he was a monster actor. Did something happen that I missed along the way?

    I feel like next year shall be a movie-watching year for me. I promised myself I’d do more this year… yeah… STILL only saw two films… THE ENTIRE YEAR! But I plan on moving to a city that has ACTUAL city-type things that I’m interested in… *cough*PublicTransportation*cough* So I may actually have better luck at it then.

    Again, always a pleasure to read your fangirliness, my dearest Mirella. Too bad I haven’t ACTUALLY made good on my promise to blog regularly. EH… maybe next year…?

    • mirella says:

      @Camiele, You’re welcome XD
      I have nothing against Leo as a person or as an actor. He’s just seems too try-hard for that elusive Oscar that it doesn’t seem he enjoys his parts. But in Django Unchained, he looks like he’s having fun, and when an actor has fun with a role, it makes me have even more fun.

      • Camiele says:

        @mirella, Ah! Well that does indeed answer my question… HaHa. Yeah, you know what I think he deserves an Oscar for SOMETHING. The fact he keeps getting snubbed, I suppose, WOULD make him a bit desperate to do whatever it took to get one, so much so he lost the love of the craft perhaps? Well, I’m stoked that he’s at least found his love for it again in Django.

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