MY GOSH~ Easter Week is Boring!

Sorry if I’m offending anyone in this week of moral reflection — which isn’t really, considering the weekend is bound to be about beaches filled with people drinking and more down here.

So it’s the bitter view of a non-religious person living in a mostly-Catholic country.

My entertainment memories of Easter week — or Holy Week or Semana Santa — are of a strange mix. I remember when I was a child, regular viewings of Barabbas, the 1961 version with Anthony Quinn, were staple of the week alongside Ben-Hur — yeah, the version with the scene featured on The Celluloid Closet. In one of those viewings, my mother loves to remind me, I was surprised when Barabbas’ friend had died but still  kept his healthy pink skin tone.

I’m happy to say that dead people on the screen look much more realistically dead now.

My memories of spending Easter Week in Canada aren’t much better, considering I spent them working at school — more so than regular weekends. Easter to me has always been some kind of torture. LOL


YAM Magazine editor, photographer, blogger, translator and part-time web designer. Film junkie, music junkie… and lately series (a.k.a. TV) junkie.

3 Responses

  1. Rodrigo says:

    Yes, it can be boring from the “network TV” POV. But it’s also up to you to do something else while Easter Week lasts. I’d say go travel, but you have already done that.

    As you know, I didn’t fully grew up in Peru. But after returning, I do remember as a kid when I watched The Flying House and Superbook, which was originally developed to reach Japan. And now I learned that Superbook is now reworked into a 3D series. LOL.

    • amy says:

      @Rodrigo, Superbook in 3D? Say it ain’t so O_O

      I used to watch those series too, but those weren’t Easter activities… they were as usual viewing as Noppo and Gonta. LOL

      I was raised to respect other people’s believes, so while I do eat meat, I’m told to keep it down with music or movies, so my usual life activities are cramped. Plus, traveling during Easter is usually swamped with people and I don’t like hoards.

  2. Camiele says:

    I got one question for you: Why does the Easter Bunny always look like pure evil?! I mean, really? Forget Pedo-Bear… you’ve got Rapist Rabbit and Bunny the Butcher… good god!

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