Perfection in Motion: How I Fell in Love with China’s Super Girl

Later on at the very end of the concert one of her staff brought out a letter she had written earlier by hand to read to all of us there. For those of you who are not familiar with the complexities of the Chinese written language, there are only 10,000 characters used in regular daily conversation, which means that most people keep learning how to write the language well into their adult years.

When you look at the original letter you realise that for someone of her 26 years, this little girl has an incredibly impressive vocabulary. What she said to all of us was quite moving, and if there is some deeper meaning lost in translation here below it is my fault and not due to any lack of skill in self-expression on her part:

Let me think… well, we have gone through six years together. During the past six years, we have seen both sadness and happiness, and all of you have witnessed my change and growth, but I am not able to see each one of you – not able to know all of you.

However, I know that in this warm family, those people who have come to this strange city make every effort just to meet me here – sometimes life is not easy for them. Perhaps the result is not as all of you wish – those people who write a lot of articles about me, those people who have made a long and hard journey to come to see me; those people who organise the fans and maintain some order at each event (I am not counting the scalpers – joking), those people who draw and sketch my cartoon character day and night, those people who prepare food and cook soups for me to feed me and help me avoid being tired, those people who shout crazily and take photos or video of me, those people who wait for me in the wind and rain in those cities where I have never been.

My dearest friends, thanks for accompanying me along the way and never giving up on me for all that time.

I hope in the future, everything will be going well around you all. I am not good at speaking a lot of touching and great words. Let this song, which only belongs to us, speak instead of thousands and thousands of words.

Let this song be my words. This is our song. The song only we understand.

As she finished reading, the band began the intro to the song Just Loving You (就是爱你), which was written by one of Bibi’s idols, David Tao. It is also the song she performed during the Super Girl competition that touched her fans so deeply at the time [1].

As she lifted the microphone to sing she was overcome with emotion and began to cry almost uncontrollably, holding her free hand to her forehead as we all sang the lyrics to the song for her. It was the first time she had ever been so moved that she had broken out in tears on stage. It was nothing short of magical to see the intensity of the love between her and her fans.

I’ve always wanted to tell you
You’ve given me happiness beyond belief
Like an oasis in a desert
Say that you will forever be by my side

Be my root, my wings
Let me fly and have a nest to return to
I am willing and I am able
To give up everything without any regrets

Let’s just be together and watch time pass by
Must remember the way of our love
I just love you, loving you

Full translation credit: Chinese Music Blog

Later on at the after-party she came to my table as she was working the room. I told her how much I had enjoyed having dinner with her parents the night before and what wonderful people they were.

Yes, but what about the show,” she asked almost impatiently and anxious to hear what I thought.

I am not sure why she thought anyone who is such a total lunatic for her was going to tell her that the concert was anything short of brilliant. “Princess,” I said as I kissed her hand, “I just don’t have words to express how amazing it was.

We drank a toast with arms linked, Russian-style like they do in this part of the world where I live. Only later, and much to my embarrassment, did I discover that people in China do this only when getting married. Lucky for me she is such a wonderfully nice person that me not understanding all the nuances of ancient Chinese culture did not bother her.

Every time I sit down to write about Bibi I make the same two discoveries all over again. One is that it amazes me so that there almost never seems to be enough space for all the words that I want to write about her. The other is that it is tremendously difficult to write about someone you love so much.  You agonize over every word, every phrase and yet you still worry whether or not you have conveyed the clearest possible image to the reader.

What I hope comes from this profile is that Bibi is a once-in-a-generation talent – like the Mozart of her time. I hope all of you will take the extra effort to order some of her albums and her concert DVD from or some other Asian music outlet. And if you ever have a chance to attend one of her performances you most certainly will not be disappointed. I’ll be there in the front row.

You can get almost all of BiBi’s discography on YesAsia:

15 Responses

  1. ghost says:

    One learns something new everyday. That was a very moving letter – video clip too, thank you for sharing that.

  2. Mia says:

    I just bought her album Black. Choice White from ! Great Voice~! Thank you for sharing videos, Mr. Johnson~!

  3. sarahxu says:

    BiBi is so charming ,i love her beautiful voice and natural.
    New album is so good, sharing with you

  4. Julyssa says:

    Reuben! What a lovely article! Such a pleasure of having you post it via us. Really touching!

  5. xiao says:

    I have some problems to read English,but I know you are one of our family Biqin. BiBi is worthy loved forever!!!her new record 【黑择明】which means Selecting light in the dark has been published.

  6. xiao says:

    bibi Chou is an angel ! I love her

  7. Flora says:

    Bibi is really great, thank you for sharing your story with us and wish you all the best~

  8. Mandy Jean says:

    If there is one thing I must do before my time on this earth ends, it is to see Bibi perform. She never fails to move me to tears, and it is only the work of a true artist that can stir such emotions within a person, especially when they do not speak a mutual language. Only a small handful of artists have done this to me, and Bibi is the number-one “perpetrator.”

    I am honored to be a part of this family of Biqin.

    • amy says:

      @Mandy Jean, how do you find the non-Chinese speaking Bibi community?

      • Mandy Jean says:

        @amy, I believe I found the English-speaking community – or at least some members of it – by doing some research on Zero Chou’s films ‘Spider Lilies’ and ‘Drifting Flowers.’ I had seen both films and was reading an article that described the two as being part of a series in which, sometime in the near-future, Zero Chou said she would like to add a third installment.

        Upon further research, I came across a thread in the AfterEllen community discussing Asian entertainment in general, and among the list of artists whose names I recognized, I found Bibi’s name. It took all of two seconds to look up her music videos on YouTube.

        Since then, I really haven’t found other fans. In fact, I think this is the first time I’ve ever found any of Bibi’s English-speaking fans. I’ve just been recommending her music to people I know would appreciate it.

        • Julyssa says:

          @Mandy Jean, Yay! Another English-speaking fan! Welcome to our small yet passionate group!

        • amy says:

          @Mandy Jean, Zero Chou? We got the three of her films in the database xD Splendid Float (I think it was called, the first one in her 7 color series), Spider Lilies and Drifting Flowers. xD Flowers is actually her third installment (Float is yellow, Spider is green and Flowers is red), but I heard the idea is to make that a series and complete the color of the rainbow.

          Though… I read she’s making another film with some idols, I can’t remember haha – something to do with pirates or something?

          Anyway, stick around to talk about Bibi and other LGBT-related things. LOL

  9. Mandy Jean says:

    @Julyssa, Thanks for the warm welcome!

    @amy, As you can see, it’s been a long time since I did that kind of research, but now that you mention it, I think I DID hear something to that effect. But pirates? Wow, haha.

    And oh, if you haven’t noticed, I’m very splendiferously gay. ;)

    • amy says:

      @Mandy Jean, I found the post:
      “Hua Yang’s time of story is set on ancient, which is rare in TW movies in the recent years.

      After 8 years, Jerry Yan Cheng Xu will once again film a movie, playing a chivalrous pirate. In the movie, there will be a lot of action scenes.”

      And… I don’t know if you can tell by some of our writers posts, but our writers are not fully 100% straight either LOL, and if they are- the YAM Magazine family is super gay-friendly. And we cover a lot of Asian media too.

      Anyway, these comments have gotten out of control.

      we all just love Bibi.

  10. Angel says:

    Wow! Nice to see this post… A very touching story! the most fabulous story in English I have ever seen.
    I used to think that I could use English to write a story about Bibi.
    But it is still a problem for me as English as Second Language.
    I can read and understand it. But I think I will never write like this.
    There are many more little stories between Biqin and Bi.
    I hope I can learn much more English writing skills to write about it.

    Thank you for everyone who loves Bibi and her music!

    Happy Chinese New Year! Year of Dragon! Woo…

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