Freshly Landed – Interview with From The Airport

Do you have any goals or wishes for what you get out of SXSW and your time in Austin?

Milo: Lots of people apparently play on a really small stage. Then a couple years later they play the main stage. So I know it’s a big thing to say it out. Maybe not to that scale, but maybe a couple years later we can come back and play a main stage. Who knows? So it’s our first step for SXSW. We’re really excited.

Most of the lyrics in your songs are in English – is this because you feel most comfortable expressing your feelings in English? Or are you trying to connect to a broader audience using a language spoken more commonly around the world?

Zee: Sort of both. We tried putting Korean language as well. We just thought musically English fit more. And then of course we want to reach out to humanity. Our band name is called “From the Airport,” so I think it fits more.

Do you have any desire to release your music in the US, or tour here? Any cities that seem interesting to you or have a venue you’d like to play?

Zee: We definitely would be open to international promotion. For cities, we don’t really care. I used to live in Indianapolis. When I was in middle school I was in Indianapolis. So I’d like to visit there. I miss the place. And of course I want to go to like Canada as well, Montreal and Toronto.

What’s something surprising fans might not know about you? Any music you listen to that we might not expect? A funny favorite movie?

Zee: I guess the fact that I used to listen to a lot of Death metal stuff. But it’s kind of too dark for me right now. I think it made me dark. I used to wear black all the time.

Thanks for taking time to talk to YAM – any words for our readers?

Zee: If you heard us for the first time, we have two albums out. One EP, and we just released a full album called You Could Imagine. I hope you like it. It’s all in English, so it’s for everyone, not just Korean people. And the message in our music is very positive, so I think it might make you feel more cleansed, like more elated, so I would recommend our music to you.

Milo: I think our music is very human, our message. For example in “Flying Walls” we talk about how we want to break the invisible barriers between people. So I think it’s very good messages for kids as well. So I think everyone can listen to it.

It’s easily translatable.

Zee: I hope so. And I hope you like our music.

From The Airport can be found on Facebook, Twitter, and their official Website. 

You can also support them by grabbing their album You Could Imagine from iTunes.


Part-time student, full-time media whore, fan of all things Asian.

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