YAM Loves: 2011’s Breakout Stars

Start spreading the news everybody: 2011 has its breakout stars and it seems as though they just popped out of nowhere. Each starring in, not one but, three or more feature length films this year.

These stars have proved that they have the talent it takes to make it in the spotlight, so all of us at YAM Magazine would like to take a minute to recognize one man and one woman as our personal choices of actors to look out for in the future.

Juan Barquin

Just yer average twenty-something college student with no time on his hands who ends up watching (and writing) too many movies and shows for his own good.

11 Responses

  1. Julili says:

    Fassy was ROBBED! He wins over Hiddleton with Shame and A Dangerous Method.

    • Juan Barquin says:

      @Julili, I don’t consider 2011 Fassy’s breakout year though. Just like Jessica and Tom are both showing up in a billion supporting roles, that’s how Fassy showed up in 2009. Hunger was great, but nonexistent before the Criterion Collection picked it up. Fish Tank and Inglourious pushed him out into the world and it’s thanks to 2009 that he’s now scoring all of these fantastic roles.

      That’s pretty much how I see the lives of Hiddleston and Chastain going in the next few years and I’m pretty excited because people will hopefully be just as in love with them soon as they are with Fassy.

  2. Mirella says:

    Oh Hiddles. I’m sad we couldn’t expend more of Fassy, but Hiddles! It was also love at first sight for me. And yes, he totally stole THOR :P
    And the thing is, not only is he a good actor, he’s also a nice guy all around… and does great impressions XD

  3. Joel Burman says:

    I really agree on Jessica Chastain she will be a force to reckon with for a while. In Sweden I’d say Bill Skarsgård is the obvious choice. He has been in more or less every feature for a while now.

  4. Rodrigo says:

    I think I might need to re-watch Thor again. For some reason, Tom Hiddleston didn’t stood out to me that much other than Loki’s final minutes in the film. But he was actually great in Midnight in Paris.

  5. Castor says:

    It really was the year of Jessica Chastain! She did say recently however that she doubts she will in the final cut of Terrence Malick untitled project (which has been officially said not to be named The Burial lol)

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