The Fangirly Diary of a Geek Girl: Cumberfact or Cumberfiction?


You know what? They are remaking Videodrome [1]… which could have potential to be awesome what will the Internet era and stuff, and if Cronenberg was involved… but no, I just don’t trust Universal to do it right.

Talking about remakes, here’s new Carrie‘s first official look!

Thor: The Dark World is moving forward! And we have the first pictures of sets under construction on the Bourne Wood on England. According to Wikipedia, that place has seen lots of movie action!

Talking about Thor, Chris Hemsworth is doing ads for FoxTel. I found them kinda cute for some reason. Whatever, get money, Chris!

More plot info on Monsters University, from Billy Crystal himself:

[Mike and Sully] end up in the same fraternity where they have this scare competition — like Greek Games in college. They have to mobilize a group, sort of like Revenge of the Nerds-monsters, and get them ready to be scary.

Ok, this could work. I expect lots of wacky shennanigans.


Benedict Cumberbatch was busy today! Before the premiere of Parade’s End (which was, by the way, beautiful and excellent), he did an interview on BBC’s The One Show. He played a little game with host Chris Evans (which should never be confused with Captain America) called ‘Cumberfact or Cumberfiction’, which was mostly about the not-so-great comments our Posh Alien Prince made about Downton Abbey and about his privileged background.

Was he taken out of context? Is he backtracking? Anyway, Benny sure has become a troll like Moffat, giving us nothing new about Star Trek 2 or Sherlock Series 3. Unlike Moffat, Benny manages to be cute about it though~

Talking about that troll Moffat, he already made fans shiver with anticipation (and speculations), revealing clues for Sherlock Series 3: Rat, Wedding and Bow.

Also, damn, Benny, you’re moving in Hollywood! Mr. Cumberbatch may be in August: Osage County with queen Meryl Streep and Julia Roberts.

Cumberbatch will act as the sensitive son of Streep’s sister, Mattie Fay Aiken (Margo Martindale). She castigates and belittles the man, who believes his father is Charlie Aiken (Chris Cooper), but the truth is he’s the product of an affair.

And finally, Horrible Histories could be made into a movie, Monthy Python style [1]! This makes me so happy, I might as well do the Pachacuti!

And that’s it for this week! Before I go, let me show you more examples of why Horrible Histories is made of awesome. Have a great weekend!


YAM Magazine geek resident. Cloud Cuckoolander. Seldom web developer. Graphic designer.

2 Responses

  1. Camiele says:

    Oh my god…. SOOOOO much to comment on, so let me preface this by saying SQUEE!!!

    First things first: THE LEGEND OF ZELDA >>>>>> EVERYTHING!!! So it makes absolute sense to me that it kicked the hell out of 50 Shades of Whatthefuckery.

    Okay, Videodrome remake….? Maybe. That film’s a bit epic and if Universal has any say, it’ll be taken down a few thousand notches and I’m not too happy about that. As for the Carrie remake… Julianne Moore as the mom = yes. Everything else = HELL TO THE NAWL!!! It was the second horror film I ever saw and the ending sequence alone had me awake for two weeks afterwards. I’m kinda unhappy that this is a thing.

    As for the OldBoy remake… I’m always gonna hate that America remakes ANYTHING, but ESPECIALLY when they attempt to remake Asian cinema for an American audience. But I’m torn all about this because if there’s one director that could make it work it’s Spike Lee — and Quentin, because his style of direction is perfect for adapting anime to live action, but Spike’s ability to use lighting, sound, and subtlety probably works better for OldBoy. However, from what I can tell the cast is going to be HORRIBLY whitewashed and Samuel L., the greatest actor of all time though he may be, I fear it’ll take down the film a notch. If you can’t already tell, I’m a RAGING fangirl for OldBoy. It had me in tears the first time I watched it. The cast may be a group of good to great actors, but… I don’t know. I just… I just don’t know. It’s gonna take a LOT of understatement from these people to make this work. I don’t want this to become a mockery of the actual film, with over the top dramatics and screaming and running and… just the overall idea of what American audiences think of horror slapped on another Asian crossover. I’d be very heartbroken.

    Anyway, that’s enough about that. I guess I should watch this Gangam Style. I’ve only seen a meme with random clips of it and it LOOKS to be the funniest thing in the universe. Too bad most Korean acts in general won’t actually make it big in America without a gimmick like this. Oh well. *sigh*

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