Korean Indie Music

I’ve always had a huge spot in my heart for K-indie (as in Korean Indie). You all here might now me as the crazy Kpop fan, but in getting to know Korean pop, it also opened the door to other genres. Much of it thanks to Korean dramas and the even more amazing OSTs.

Jenna is our beloved connoisseur of K-rock and the lovely people over at Koreanindie.com (*waves at Anna*) share everything about this genre called K-indie with the English world .

But I’ve always wondered why it’s called Korean Indie music, when to me it sounds pretty much like singer/songwriter music. My first example:

Sweet song, sweet vocal, slightly mellow and with a somewhat tempo. The buzz is high on Busker Busker at the moment and I am jumping on that bandwagon!

Then we have this song:

This is 10 cm, as I understand a very popular group in the  Korean indie scene. They just debuted three years ago though, but rose to immense fame with the song Americano.

I would argue that their style is of the acoustic/folk side. It’s all pretty sweet and easy to digest as a music lover.

I guess that Korean indie music is referred as such seeing as it isn’t that mainstream? But I could be wrong seeing as to me, many of these Korean indie bands seem pretty popular. I think this is a big nudge to koreanindie.com to write me some form of 101 on Korean indie music. Why is it called Korean indie? Does the music follow a specific pattern to be called indie? Help a girl out here, I want to know more about it and you guys are the pros!

Well, I better get back to listening to 10 cm. I have been playing their album 1.0 nonstop since I got two months back. I need to write a review for it because it is that good. I say that when I don’t even understand what the heck they are singing about.


Music is all I do: I work in music, I write about music, I listen to music.

3 Responses

  1. Camiele says:

    Indie is called indie because it’s short for “independent”, meaning, basically, without the backing of a major record label. For the record, a great percentage of indie music is what you’d call “singer/songwriter” music. Technically, any singer who also writes his/her own songs, and quite possibly the songs of others, is a signer/songwriter. It has nothing to do with a specifc genre, per se. More how the music is made and by what kind of record label.

    Hope that helps. I’ll have to look into some of these “Kindie” cats, see if any of its any good.

  1. June 25, 2012

    […] under: Editorials ˑ  No Comments Some time ago, Julyssa over at YAM Magazine reached out to the editors of Korean Indie to have the concept of Korean indie music explained. I’m […]

  2. March 30, 2014

    […] time ago, Julyssa over at YAM Magazine reached out to the editors of Korean Indie to have the concept of Korean indie music explained. I’m […]

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