
Original Title: Trolljegeren
Release date: October 29, 2010
Director: André Øvredal
Screenplay by: André Øvredal, Håvard S. Johansen (Contributor)
Cast: Otto Jespersen, Glenn Erland Tosterud, Hans Morten Hansen, Johanna Mørck, Tomas Alf Larsen, Knut Nærum, Robert Stoltenberg, Urmila Berg-Domaas

What would you do if you found out that the fantasy stories adults told to scare little kids was actual reality?

That’s the question three journalism students have to face when they begin tracking an illegal series of random bear killings. They bite off more than they can chew when they meet Hans, The TrollHunter (Jespersen).

Hans explains the cons of hunting trolls, who are organic creatures sensitive to sunlight — or in any case, UV rays. When in contact with the sun they calcify and die — or maybe explode. Hans’ science isn’t very precise, but the logistics of trolls is exciting beyond belief.

Some have described TrollHunter as The Blair Witch Project meets Where the Wild Things Are, which it is at first view, if you consider the first a simple documentary-style film and the latter a simple creature film. However, TrollHunter isn’t trying to be scary and it is not dealing with the emotions of a little boy that feels he doesn’t belong in this world. This Norwegian production is one heck of a fun movie, especially if you love Scandinavian folklore and playing around with alternative universes.

Halfway through the film, you might believe that trolls do exist. However, there’s something forced in the ending that makes you ask a lot of questions — something that happens a lot in this type of found-footage genre film. How do these people find the tapes?

The camera work is often dark and shaky, which makes sense for the genre. But if you hate shaky cameras, this type of film is not for you. People accustomed to watching National Geographic or Animal Planet specials should enjoy the biological take on trolls, while conspiracy theorists should love the idea of the Norwegian government hiding their existence from the public eye.

Unlike its Scandinavian cousin, Rare Exports — which also deals with folklore — TrollHunter limits itself by not showing different types of trolls in plain view, as natural as they can be.

My favorite Troll-related question is whether they can smell a Christian, and why.

Rating: ★★★½☆ 

Ghost Writer

Here. There. Everywhere. Punished soul that usually watches what nobody wants, but sometimes gets lucky.

15 Responses

  1. Mirella says:

    Another weird Nordic film I really really wanna see ;______;

    • amy says:

      @Mirella, maybe you should come up with a list of films to suggest to Eurofilms xD

    • Julili says:

      @Mirella, Your fascination with Nordic stuff, fascinates me!

      • amy says:

        @Julili, The Nordic fascinated with the Latin American fascinated with Nordic stuff. Mind is blown. xD

      • Mirella says:

        @Julili, I totally blame my great granfather’s book on mythology. Most of it was Greek/Roman one which I instatnly loved, but after reading that I got to other parts of the world’s mythology and the one that stood up in my mind the most was Norse mythology :D Dude those were totally crazy dudes who partied hard and had unresolved angst XD And I loved Loki that whorish trickster XD

  2. amy says:

    For a moment there, my dad believed this movie was true. HAHAHAHA. Like… he asked me what animal it was, because at first it was all dark and blurry. xD

  3. ghost says:

    @Mirella, what’s your Nordic fetish?

    @amy, too much Animal Planet for your dad.

  4. It’s funny how this movie gives off such a different feeling for different people. I found it somewhat scary while my husband liked it because he found it funny. We were both entertained though and I recommend it.

  5. Dan says:

    I’ve heard lots of good things about this film. Continental Europe produces some of the best horror films – certainly of the last ten years. I really want to this soon. Excellent review.

  6. ghost says:

    @Linnea, interesting that you mention that. I think the film is so much like watching a National Geographic or Animal Planet documentary that you do have a sense of danger, which is a bit exciting. But in the end, it also makes it funny.

    @Dan, I also thought that it might be a horror film, but it was more of a fascination feeling that you got from it. It’s a slight thrill, but definitely not horror.

  7. Julyssa says:

    Im currently watching it (there goes my sleep!) and I’m loving it! I feel so sorry for the hunter! He is forever alone!!!

    Best quotes so far are: who the hell here is a Christian? And “In Poland we don’t ask questions if there are no problems” hahaha

  8. ghost says:

    @Julyssa, ja, ja.

    It’s a good way to mix the troll myths into the naturalistic documentary style. Very Animal Planet.

  1. July 4, 2013

    […] Trollhunter Silver Emulsion Film Reviews YAM Magazine […]

  2. October 7, 2014

    […] Trolls really do exist in TrollHunter. […]

  3. November 18, 2015

    […] of the Rings, part Robin Hood, bits and pieces of The Neverending Story, and passing mentions of TrollHunter, Princess Mononoke, and definitely The Matrix — it was pretty hard to keep those […]

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