Tagged: mood: geeky


Jurassic World

The paleo-adventure park is prepping their next corporate launch, one massive mother-effing hybrid known as Indominus Rex, which will be set loose in the park of insurance company hell.


Daredevil – Season 1

Lawyer-by-day Matt Murdock uses his heightened senses from being blinded as a young boy to fight crime at night on the streets of New York City’s Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood as Daredevil.


Avengers: Age Of Ultron

It’s time for the spectacle of the year. The continuation of one of the best superhero movies of all time. So, how does Avengers: Age of Ultron fares in the MCU?


Chappie (2015)

When his quest for a true free-will conscious program is over, engineer Deon Wilson secretly tests it on a police robot that’s been recently damaged on the field, resulting in the child-like Chappie.


Hulk (2003)

In this failed attempt to jump start The Hulk on its own franchise, Ang Lee attempts to work as outside of the box from what has become the custom for blockbuster superhero movies by creating an eclectic amalgamation of somber atmosphere by exploring the pathos of Bruce Banner’s messed up collective unconscious.


X2: X-Men United

A mysterious teleporter has just attempted the United States’ President assassination and attempts to resurrect the Mutant Registration Act are being carried… under the shadow of Colonel William Stryker, who has been visiting Magneto in his plastic prison cell for a darker agenda.