Tagged: mood: geeky


Big Hero 6 (2014)

A young boy, obsessed with robots, meets an unlikely friend while battling villains – and his own personal demons.


Maze Runner, The

The Maze Runner is not only centered around the maze itself, which constantly changes, but it also follows a community called the Gladers.


F Word (Film), The

In this Canadian take on the indie rom-com at the hands of Dowse, The F Word (or in its more US-friendly title: What If), we get Kazan opposite Daniel Radcliffe as the quintessential quirky oddballs bantering about Elvis, poop and the Fool’s Gold Loaf.


Transcendence (2014)

An artificial intelligence developer and thinker gets attacked by a group of anti A.I extremists, and in turn is pushed harder to ‘transcend’ his human body by digitizing his mind.