Tagged: marya recommends


Avengers, The

The culmination of years of work that started back in 2008 with Iron Man (and Robert Downey, Jr.). It was very important that Marvel got this right. And oh boy, they certainly did!


Hysteria (2011)

Set in the Victorian era, Hysteria tells the story of how Dr. Mortimer Granville invented the vibrator to the comfort of millions of women around the world.


Pina (2011)

Wim Wenders’ beautiful documentary is a love letter to and for German choreographer Pina Bausch.


Paths of Glory

Stanley Kubrick’s biting anti-war film is set in the trenches of France during World War I.


Descendants, The

The Descendants stars George Clooney as Matt King, a man who attempts to re-connect with his daughters after his wife had a boating accident.