Category: reviews


90 Minutes (Norwegian Film)

Eva Sorhaug’s second feature film, four years after Cold Lunch, starts in a soft manner but ends intensely, aiming to make a psychological study of three men through three different unrelated stories.



An over-educated and unemployable 24-year-old Brown University graduate has an emotional breakdown when inanimate objects in the shape of animals begin talking to her.


Bibi Zhou – Unlock

The best element in Unlock is and always will be Bibi’s voice, reaching on-pitch highs and soft delicate whispery lows that will make your soul quiver.

Kiss of the Damned 0

Kiss of the Damned

Xan Cassavetes’ feature debut is a classy little throwback to the seventies that doesn’t exactly rise from a dead story.


Upstream Color

Shane Carruth delivers a sophomore feature that’s an emotional powerhouse with as much metaphysical prowess as any Malick or Tarkovsky film.