Category: reviews


Tokyo! (2008)

Generally speaking, the trilogy of stories that is the movie Tokyo! could have been much shorter and would have been more successful as 10 or 15-minute shorts rather than a single movie.


Let the Right One In

Skinny blond kid living in snow-covered Swedish apartment complex fantasizes about giving his local schoolyard bullies their well earned comeuppance. Skinny pale girl moves in next door. Only comes out at night. Boy meets Girl. People die. Bonds are formed. Fangs are unsheathed.


Yu Aoi – Kaiten TE-BURU wa Mutsukashii

Kaiten TE-BURU wa Mutsukashii is a 2007 photobook by Japanese actress/model Yu Aoi, with photographs by Ivy Chen. The book details Aoi’s and Chen’s visit to Taipei (Taiwan) as they go on a full-on Foodie trip.


Britney Spears – Circus

Hate myself for saying this, but Circus is not as bad as I thought it could’ve been. The fact is, the album has some pretty catchy tunes, which include the first single Womanizer, Circus, Shattered Glass, Radar, and my guilty pleasure If U Seek Amy.


Taylor Swift – Fearless

Taylor Swift’s sophomore album delivers crossover pop-country flare all around. But think more Avril Lavigne than Faith Hill… if you know what I mean.


Marit Larsen – The Chase

The Chase is an album that tells a love story summarized in the first track which gives the record its name, and just like that it sets the different stages in this story.


Yasunari Kawabata – The Old Capital (Kioto)

The Old Capital tells the story of a 20-year-old girl named Chieko in Post-War Kyoto, daughter of a Kimono maker, who discovers she was an abandoned child. Then one day, she discovers something while attending one of the many festivities in the city.