Category: reviews


Verbal – Visionair

Considering I jumped around on this album like a kid on a trampoline, it’s easy for me to say that I’m highly disappointed in Verbal’s first solo album.



Have you ever been in love? So in love that you’re willing to give up your life not being with the person you love, only for the peace of mind that by doing so, they’ll have a decent life.


Vanished Elephant, The

El Elefante Desaparecido follows the life of novelist depressed for the mysterious loss of his girlfriend, when he receives and envelope with a series of magnified photographs unleashing a series of even weirder events.


Vampire Knight – Season 1

Before the world was struck with Twilight fever, there was Vampire Knight. In Cross Academy, humans and vampires attend school together. Humans during the day and vampires during the night. Although they try and get along, it’s not always easy to mix wolves and sheep under the same roof.


Vampire Academy

Vampire Academy isn’t a complete Twilight-esque borefest thanks to the nice bond between the lead characters and a pretty good performance from Zoey Deutch. Sadly, the screenplay made the film heavy to watch on the eyes.



This follow-up horror anthology is still flawed, but two of its shorts make it one worth checking out.


Utopia (UK Show)

Channel 4’s intense thriller brings whiplash twists, dynamic characters, a distinctive score, and some of the most breathtaking images produced for television this year.