Author: amy


Dangerous Liaisons (2012)

Famous playboy Xie Yifan sets out to bed wholesome widow Du Fenyu in a bet with an outstanding lady of society, Mo Jieyu, who’s out to get a young ingenue who’s crossed her path in the 1930’s Shanghai adaptation of Choderlos de Laclos’ Les Liaisons Dangereuses.


Thalía – Habítame Siempre

Habítame Siempre is familiar ground, never bordering on boredom and favoring the comfort (and the maturity) that comes with accepting who you are… showing growth into her musical persona, fitting perfectly into the album despite not being a powerhouse vocalist.


Bad 25 (TV Special)

ABC’s broadcast of Spike Lee’s documentary on Michael Jackson’s work on Bad to celebrate its 25th anniversary.


Esteman – 1er Acto

Esteman’s debut album might exceed anyone’s expectation with his mix of pop and slight electronic influences all into a flavorful Latin wrap, swiftly singing back and forth in Spanish, English and French with the best of the new Colombian music scene… without ever forgetting the incomparable Andrea Echeverri, of course.


Tableau, Le (Animated Film)

Shaped after the styles of Picasso and Matisse, Le Tableau (or The Painting) tells the story of the characters of an unfinished painting, who decide to look for The Painter and let him finish his work.


Wrinkles (Animated Film)

Arrugas, or Wrinkles if you may, is an adaptation of the Paco Roca award-winning graphic novel of the same name, telling the story of Emilio, and old man put away in an elderly home by his son because Emilio has become an inconvenience to him and his wife.


Memories of Matsuko

A woman’s violent misadventures cast with a colorful and quite shimmering clout that was Matsuko’s life of giving without ever taking.