Author: mirella



Pompeii is not a good movie, but it is very entertaining. Almost to guilty pleasure levels.


Robocop (2014)

Well, this went better than expected. In fact, it is a pretty decent PG-13 remake of an R-rated movie!


Thor: The Dark World

But despite its faults, Thor: The Dark World is another win for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and makes us feel Phase 2 is in good hands.


Carrie (2013)

I read somewhere that this Carrie was going for a more faithful adaptation of Stephen King’s book, instead of a remake of Brian de Palma’s movie.


Kick-Ass 2

The movie will split in two with Hit-Girl being thrown in a Mean Girls/Carrie sorta mash-up, and with Kick-Ass discovering new costumed heroes to do good with.