Tagged: thor


The Fangirly Diary of a Geek Girl: One Last Time!

This week was a Hobbit filled week, starting from me actually watching the last movie~ But besides that we stuff on Agent Carter which will soon premiere, and of course the Sony Hack which is the gift that keeps giving!


The Fangirly Diary of a Geek Girl: Here come my TV favs!

This week we have had some previews and BTS videos about the series are waiting most for: Vikings, Game of Thrones and Hannibal. And of course, there’s the usual comicbook movie news and a couple of old book news that gave me the feels~


The Fangirly Diary of a Geek Girl: Tompocalypse!

This week Tom Hiddleston has continued his decimation of the fandom. Whether with more Corionalus, the Jaguar ad, or Thor: The Dark World DVD/Blu-ray features, these last few days have been a veritable deluge of Hiddles! But it’s not the only thing that happened. DC managed to shock us again, for one.