Tagged: lego (franchise)


The Fangirly Diary of a Geek Girl: Here come my TV favs!

This week we have had some previews and BTS videos about the series are waiting most for: Vikings, Game of Thrones and Hannibal. And of course, there’s the usual comicbook movie news and a couple of old book news that gave me the feels~


The Fangirly Diary of a Geek Girl: Good casting, bad casting?

This week we had articles all over the places trying to explain why Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor ain’t such an awful, awful idea. Also, certain Marvel actor maybe doing a double shift, that or The Avengers: Age of Ultron is leading down an interesting path.


The Fangirly Diary of a Geek Girl: Tompocalypse!

This week Tom Hiddleston has continued his decimation of the fandom. Whether with more Corionalus, the Jaguar ad, or Thor: The Dark World DVD/Blu-ray features, these last few days have been a veritable deluge of Hiddles! But it’s not the only thing that happened. DC managed to shock us again, for one.


The Fangirly Diary of a Geek Girl: #SherlockLives

We barely had few moments for the Doctor Who hangover settled, and now BBC gave us Sherlock news! Of course, that’s not the only geeky thing that happened! Yep, Marvel news, The Hobbit news, rumours, and even some comics and manga stuff!