Tagged: genre: crime

Red 2 Trailer 0

Red 2 Trailer

Frank Moses and his motley crew of retired assassins return for a second outing.


Last Stand, The (2013)

Kim Jee-woon’s American debut isn’t nearly as entertaining and over the top as his Korean films, but it still makes for a fun comeback for Arnold.


Land of the Deaf, The

Russian sign language, the mafia, and a debt with a casino that must be settled all set in contemporary late 90’s Russia.


Homeland – Season 2

Season 2 of Homeland is still very watchable despite bordering between being a drama/spy thriller and a melodramatic soap opera.


Dredd (2012)

Dredd and his rookie partner Anderson battle their way through a high-rise building to stop evil drug lord Ma-Ma.


Gangster Squad

Ruben Fleischer’s attempt at a crime drama tries way too hard on all levels and ends up being a big disappointment.


Killing Them Softly

Andrew Dominik’s latest is an imperfect but engaging gangster film with an amusingly unsubtle message about the American economy.


Bernie (2011)

Bernie is not only a career highlight for Jack Black, but it also benefits from having great direction and screenwriting thanks to Richard Linklater, who successfully balances the mockumentary format, Bernie Tiede’s story and the black comedy elements with good results.