Category: reviews


Hop (2011)

The son of the Easter Bunny, E.B, escapes and goes to Hollywood in search of his dream to become a drummer.


Hope Springs

Disguised as a sex comedy for and about adults, Hope Springs is a touching and funny look at how hard two people will work to keep their relationship going.


Horns (2013)

Ig Perrish’s girlfriend has been recently raped and murdered, but he’s being accused of commiting the crime. To make matters worse for Ig, one day he wakes up and notices that devil-like horns has sprouted from his forehead. As he figures how they actually work, Ig is determined to find who really killed Merrin before things take a turn for the worse.


Horrible Bosses

Have you ever fantasized the idea of wanting to kill your boss from work because he or she is an unbearable asshole? Horrible Bosses explores that idea.


Horrible Bosses 2

Horrible Bosses 2 continues the trend of going against corporations that the previous film displayed and the trio keeps intact their same characteristics.


Host, The (2013)

Even with a solid concept to work with, Andrew Niccol does nothing to improve Stephenie Meyer’s messy and boring tale of aliens and kissing.


Hot Summer Days

It’s the most insufferable summer in East Asia, as the heat wave melts down buildings, people attempt to fry eggs on their cars, and ice cream becomes a commodity.


Hotel Atlantico

Hotel Atlantico tells the story of an actor – referred to as The Artist – who finds himself without a job. He decides to embark on an aimless adventure, where he meets people and gets himself in unexpected, and even absurd, situations.


Hotel Transylvania (2012)

Hotel Transylvania stars Adam Sandler as Dracula, who is shown as a total control freak when it comes to administrating his five-star monster-friendly resort and the life of his daughter Mavis, who just turned 118 years old and wants to explore the world against her father’s wishes.


House M.D. – Season 6

The sixth season of House M.D. started out with a bang with a two-hour special of House in the psychiatry ward with a bunch of crazy people, but as House becomes nicer, one wonders if the show should make plans to end this season or next to counter the risk of going stale.