Category: reviews


Otra Familia, La (2011)

A boy is abandoned by his mother battling drugs, and ends up at the house of a settled gay couple who have been together for the last ten years.


Other Woman, The

Love and Other Impossible Pursuits tells the story of Emilia, Jack’s wife and stepmother to his son William, from Jack’s previous marriage to Carolyne. Yes, Emilia is “the other woman” who’s recently lost a child.


Osen (Jdrama)

Osen is a 10-episode 2008 NTV Japanese drama based on the manga series by Kikuchi Shota following a traditional Japanese restaurant owner named Handa Sen, often referred to as Osen by her workers and peers.


Orphan Black – Season 3

Clone Club checkmates the big bad corporation in favor of military conspiracies, genetics talk and confusing family trees, and spiritual bonding between siblings and sestras.


Orange Is the New Black – Season 3

The scope and view of Litchfield feels a lot bigger to watch in terms of having to take care of an already massive character roster and the world becoming more exapnsive in Orange Is the New Black’s third season.


Orange Is The New Black – Season 1

Out of Netflix’s new content, Orange Is the New Black proved to be the most interesting (and entertaining) of them all with its very diverse cast and outstanding storytelling.


Operación Rescate

Operacion Rescate is the series depicting the fateful events leading up to the taking of the residence of the Japanese ambassador in Lima, Peru by the MRTA terrorists. The events lasted 126 days, in which they tried to negotiate the release of key members of their group, the successful military operation to rescue the hostages, and the later events in which the commandos were prosecuted themselves.