Category: reviews


Pain & Gain

Michael Bay may have finally made a fun and self-aware film, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t still stuffed full of tasteless comedy.


Page One: Inside the New York Times

Does mainstream and “traditional’ media still have a place in the now fast-space internet world? Page One: Inside the New York Times seeks to find out where the NY Times is heading, or if it even has a way to head to.


Paco and the Magical Book

Tetsuya Nakashima’s Paco and the Magical Book tells the story of grumpy old Okunuki (Yakusho) as he enters a board meeting and is sent to a hospital, in which he meets a whole bunch of picturesque characters, including a little girl named Paco who can only retain memories for a day.


Pacific Rim (2013)

Under the hand of Guillermo Del Toro, I’m glad to say that Pacific Rim is not only a hell of an spectacle, but it’s also a very solid film for the not-so-good 2013 summer film season.


P!nk – The Truth About Love

The Truth About Love seems like a place where Pink has been comfortably sitting since 2006. It may be easy to digest music, designed to grab a generation younger than Pink’s core, ready to reach #1 on popularity charts, but as an album part of her discography, it leaves much to be desired.


Oz, The Great and Powerful

It’s a prequel to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz book, and it’s a story of a man of dubious character that wants to be great, but learns to be good.


Oyaji no Senaka

Oyaji no Senaka is a 10-episode series anthology focusing on fathers’ relationships with their children and families, written and directed by ten different teams of creatives and featuring ten different sets of actors.


Over the Garden Wall

Following many of the aesthetics of Disney’s Silly Symphonies, two unlikely brothers find themselves lost in a -seemingly quite haunted- forest where they meet a creepy lantern-carrying Woodsman, as well as a talkative enchanted bluebird named Beatrice who will join them in their journey back home.


Outsider – The Outsider

Speed is his forte and this mini-album is as fast as his lips. Outsider comes back after a long hiatus and he puts some well deserved light on the Korean rap scene.