Author: Juan Barquin


(500) Days of Summer

Marc Webb’s debut film accurately captures the sheer stupidity that comes with falling for someone, even when they might not be the right one for you.


Magic Mike

While it only has an average story, Magic Mike drops its pants and delivers a whole lot of fun.


Score (1974)

A look at Radley Metzger’s adult film from the early seventies that explores sexuality better than most modern films do.


Kingdom of Heaven

Ridley Scott’s delivers a great historical epic that proves to be one of the best depictions of the Crusades to date.


Take This Waltz

Take This Waltz presents a harsh look at unhappiness in relationships and how fleeting love can be.


Cabin in the Woods, The

Joss Whedon and Drew Goddard bring us The Cabin in the Woods, an addition to the horror genre that is part masterpiece and part commentary.


Dark Shadows

Tim Burton’s Dark Shadows, based on the sixties television series, could have been a great film, but ends up being painfully average.

Five-Year Engagement, The 3

Five-Year Engagement, The

Nicholas Stoller’s latest film tells the story of Tom and Violet, a couple that falls into a much longer engagement than they had ever planned.

Bully (2011) 0

Bully (2011)

This attempt at informing people on the effects of bullying might have had good intentions, but inevitably becomes a misguided, messy documentary that isn’t worth watching.