Tagged: nick frost


Boxtrolls, The

Little monsters who wear boxes and live under the town of Cheesebridge are persecuted by a man who has vowed to rid his town off them to climb the social ladder.


Cuban Fury

Though Cuban Fury could work as a story of someone who finds themselves after being shamed and bullied out of what they love to do, it never becomes enjoyable nor engaging enough to salsa its way into our hearts.


YAM’s Most Anticipated Films of 2014

We took a little longer to get together and talk about the movies we wanted to watch this 2014… but here they are in all their glory. Over 60 films were in contention, but only 15 got the most votes.


YAM’s Top Films of 2013

Another year passed, another list made. The YAM Magazine staff sat around in their virtual desks to rank our favorite movies this past year with 74 films nominated to be part of the list.