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Experiment Awards: Best of 2014

There are a lot of movie all over the world, some left in distribution limbo, some others left unsubtitled, so this is my attempt at making some sort of comprehensive list of what I thought was great… with some surprises, like last year.


Orange Is the New Black – Season 3

The scope and view of Litchfield feels a lot bigger to watch in terms of having to take care of an already massive character roster and the world becoming more exapnsive in Orange Is the New Black’s third season.


Accidental Love (2015)

A twenty-something carhop gets a nail stuck in her brain affecting her personality. At a loss, she heads to Washington in search of an enthusiastic representative hoping to secure universal health care for everyone.


Jurassic World

The paleo-adventure park is prepping their next corporate launch, one massive mother-effing hybrid known as Indominus Rex, which will be set loose in the park of insurance company hell.


Sense8 – Season 1

Eight individuals of different cultural and ethnic background are all mysteriously connected to each other, and are being hunted for it.