Category: reviews


Heleno (2011)

José Henrique Fonseca’s film deals with Heleno de Freitas’ troublesome personality and downfall in the late 40s.


Ted (2012)

Underneath all the pop culture references, geeky stuff, music from MacFarlane’s iPod, and unapologetic drug use, Ted has a nice message about growing up, friendship, love, and owning up to your decisions.


Master, The (2012)

Paul Thomas Anderson’s latest film is a masterful exploration of two men that features amazing performances from everyone in the cast.


New Girl – Season 1

New Girl had a pretty rough start in its earlier episodes, but Season 1 manages to improve strongly in its second half.


P!nk – The Truth About Love

The Truth About Love seems like a place where Pink has been comfortably sitting since 2006. It may be easy to digest music, designed to grab a generation younger than Pink’s core, ready to reach #1 on popularity charts, but as an album part of her discography, it leaves much to be desired.


Patti Larsen – Clone 3

In an epic tale of a dying world, Patti Larson’s Clone 3 follows the trials of a girl named Trio, who holds the fate of the world in her hands.


Chris Lee – Old If Not Wild

You can call it anyway you want, the truth seems to be that Chris Lee sings like only Chris Lee can. Her latest album Old If Not Wild (再不瘋狂我們就老了) is a testament to that, even more so than The Dancing Artist was.


Beautiful Rain (Jdrama)

Beautiful Rain tells the story of young single father Keisuke, who is diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s and must figure out what to do with his 8-year-old daughter Miu.


Eat Pray Love (2010)

Ryan Murphy provides Eat Pray Love with great visuals and scenery, but the film version of Elizabeth Gilbert’s soul-healing journey is boring.