Author: amy


Yang ± Yin: Gender in Chinese Cinema

Commissioned by the British Film Institute as part of the 100 Years of Cinema celebrations, Stanley Kwan takes a look back into the history of Chinese films with a broad array of filmmakers.


Flowers of War, The

A group of women make a difficult choice in order to save a group of girls during the Japanese occupation of Nanjing.


Chico & Rita

Chico & Rita is a chronicle of long lost love, as the couple’s relationship is a roller-coaster of emotions, but it also follows the evolution of Cuban music.


Cat in Paris, A

In the daytime, Dino catches lizards. At night, Dino becomes The Cat and helps Nico make a living by stealing.


Circumstance (2011)

Circumstance is not a family drama, is not political, is not a romance between two girls in impossible circumstances who won’t make it through — it’s all of those.



50/50 isn’t really a comedy, you won’t be leaving the theater saying “ha! ha! that cancer is a hoot! My god, I wish I had cancer” but the film manages to balance drama with a lot of light tension moments.


Karate Girl (2011)

Let me be completely clear about Karate Girl — it’s one of the best action C movies ever made. It certainly is a huge improvement from the Kimura/Nishi 2009 Z movie High-Kick Girl!, also starring Rina Takeda.