Tagged: michael fassbender


The Fangirly Diary of a Geek Girl: Doctors of Future Past

This week we continue with the comicbook news, where geeks are still picking appart all the details of Thor: The Dark World. But, more importantly, we are getting a lot of awesome Doctor Who stuff because “The Day of the Doctor” is near!


12 Years A Slave

Steve McQueen’s film deserves as much praise and discussion as it does cricism for serving as a brilliant and harrowing depiction of Northup’s years of enslavement bleeding together as he loses track of his past


The Fangirly Diary of a Geek Girl: Treasures of Marvel~

This week there was been lots of Marvel movies news, what with some regular mortals (including me!) getting to watch Thor: The Dark World, the first trailer of X-Men Days of Future Past, and some announcements and interviews. Also, some stuff from The Hobbit… including cast birthdays~