Tagged: genre: action


Sorcerer and the White Snake, The

The Sorcerer and the White Snake is a re-telling of the really old and always told story of a White Snake demon who takes the shape of a woman and unnaturally falls in love with a human man.


Art of Walt Disney, The (2011 Edition)

The Art of Walt Disney was a book released back in 1973 chronicling what was, then, Walt Disney’s animation legacy. As the years have gone by, they’ve been re-releasing the book with some updated information — after these many years, the book is massive.


Stockholm Film Festival 2011

The 22nd edition of the Stockholm Film Festival was all about love. Love for movies, love for art as well as movies about love. Boasting over 170 movies from 44 countries, there was always something to watch for everyone.


Karate Girl (2011)

Let me be completely clear about Karate Girl — it’s one of the best action C movies ever made. It certainly is a huge improvement from the Kimura/Nishi 2009 Z movie High-Kick Girl!, also starring Rina Takeda.