Tagged: christian bale


The Fangirly Diary of a Geek Girl: Take a deep breath

Today was the day of Doctor Who series 8 premiere! As such we have had even more Peter Capaldi interviews throughout the week! We also have some casting news, rumoured and true, and some Harry Potter stuff, besides the usual DC and Marvel!


The Fangirly Diary of a Geek Girl: Tompocalypse!

This week Tom Hiddleston has continued his decimation of the fandom. Whether with more Corionalus, the Jaguar ad, or Thor: The Dark World DVD/Blu-ray features, these last few days have been a veritable deluge of Hiddles! But it’s not the only thing that happened. DC managed to shock us again, for one.


The Fangirly Diary of a Geek Girl: #SaveTheDay

This is the week before “The Day of the Doctor” premieres and as such there’s an avalanche of last minute Doctor Who news! Of course it’s not the only kind of geeky news we had, but it is the most notorious!