Tagged: beth grant


As I Lay Dying (2013)

The premise of a film about how a family deals with the death of a beloved member is interesting and obviously grim, but James Franco’s take on the story is quite a mixed bag.


Pushing Daisies

Part fairytale romance, part quirky crime mystery solving, part snarky comedy food-loving musical and more; Pushing Daisies achieved a stroke of genius uniqueness that is hardly ever going to show up on television again.



An over-educated and unemployable 24-year-old Brown University graduate has an emotional breakdown when inanimate objects in the shape of animals begin talking to her.


Dexter – Season 7

Dexter gets found out, meets would-be femme fatale Hannah McKay, and has detective LaGuerta on his Bay Harbor Butcher steps on the 7th season of the show, before the show’s demise next year.


Amy’s Movie Alphabet

Mettel Ray is having a Movie Alphabet blogathon! So I thought it’d be fun to participate with my own mix… which proved to be varied. I wonder… will you find any surprise?