Tagged: year: 1936


May & June 2012

My entire list of new-to-me films for the months of May and June, as well as a decade breakdown and a few words on a few new favorites.


How R&B Has Lost Its Soul

How is it that a form of music so integral to the individualization of Black Americans becomes something of a farce in their hands? While it’s a debate that’s been beaten like the proverbial dead horse, it’s one that still bears consideration.


Art of Walt Disney, The (2011 Edition)

The Art of Walt Disney was a book released back in 1973 chronicling what was, then, Walt Disney’s animation legacy. As the years have gone by, they’ve been re-releasing the book with some updated information — after these many years, the book is massive.


A Brief History of Title Design

Put together by Ian Albinson, founder of The Art of the Title Sequence, this video presentation was shown for the SXSW Excellence in Title Design competition screening.


Beginner’s Guide to Early Best Picture Winners

Even some of your most discerning film fanatics will tell you there’s a handful of Best Picture winners they’ve never seen, perhaps never even heard of. I am happy to say I have seen every Best Picture winner from the very first winning film — Wings — to the most recent winner — The Hurt Locker. I now present to you ten early Best Picture winners that are criminally under-seen.