Tagged: year: 1989


How R&B Has Lost Its Soul

How is it that a form of music so integral to the individualization of Black Americans becomes something of a farce in their hands? While it’s a debate that’s been beaten like the proverbial dead horse, it’s one that still bears consideration.

Etta James – The Matriarch of R&B 10

Etta James – The Matriarch of R&B

On January 20, 2011, Etta James — the Matriarch of R&B, the Empress of the blues — passed away at the age of 73, and with her she took one of the remaining strings to the grit and grime of true music.


Art of Walt Disney, The (2011 Edition)

The Art of Walt Disney was a book released back in 1973 chronicling what was, then, Walt Disney’s animation legacy. As the years have gone by, they’ve been re-releasing the book with some updated information — after these many years, the book is massive.


All Dogs Go to Heaven

All Dogs Go to Heaven tells the story of a crooked but friendly mixed-race dog Charlie who gets involved in devious gambling businesses against his backstabbing business partner Carface. After a fail murder, Charlie fins a little orphan girl who can speak to animals.

My Favourite Cartoons 2

My Favourite Cartoons

I share some of the cartoons that I love. A little list of the cartoons I watched while growing up, and those I watch today.