Tagged: genre: sci-fi


Big Hero 6 (2014)

A young boy, obsessed with robots, meets an unlikely friend while battling villains – and his own personal demons.



Interstellar is a movie everybody should watch. And if you like beautifully depicted crazy science and well acted family drama, you will enjoy this film.

Blomkamp’s Chappie Trailer

Chappie is about all the shenanigans that happen after a robot is discovered to have child-like curiosity, innocence and other characteristics, which threatens what humans perceived as the norm.


Satellite Girl and Milk Cow, The

Throw logic out of the window, we’re about to embark on a hilarious head-scratching journey with a no-longer in orbit satellite and a cow. And there’s a toilet paper roll (embossed) that talks!


Maze Runner, The

The Maze Runner is not only centered around the maze itself, which constantly changes, but it also follows a community called the Gladers.