Tagged: salyu


Salyu – Lighthouse

Salyu releases her new single Lighthouse, featuring dancer Masako Yasumoto (康本雅子) in slo-mo backwards black and white footage directed by Fumiko Hirano (平野文子).


Salyu – I Wanna Talk with You

TOY’S FACTORY is releasing Salyu and Cornelius’ salyu x salyu s(o)un(d) beams project in a live DVD performance shot on November 2011 in the Yokosuka Arts Theater.

Salyu – muse’ic MV + App 0

Salyu – muse’ic MV + App

The latest single for Salyu’s experimental album with Cornelius, s(o)un(d)beams, is titled muse’ic and comes with an application that will let you use your camera phone as it creates visual images to go with the music.


Salyu – Sailing Days

There’s a brand new cut from Salyu’s experimental album s(o)un(d)beams, which HMV has already shipped, I’m really excited to say. This time around it’s Sailing Days, written by Tavito Nanao and composed by Cornelius (Keigo Oyamada).