Tagged: kate mara

Transcendence Trailer

Long-time cinematographer Wally Pfister finally makes his directorial debut with Transcendence, whose first trailer has been unleashed online.


Peep World

Peep World is a dysfunctional family comedy about how the naked truth can mend inevitable familial discontent.


127 Hours

After his crowning as Best Director for Slumdog Millionaire, Danny Boyle is back with 127 Hours, the story of Aron Ralston, the man whose arm gets trapped under a rock in the middle of nowhere for five days.


YAM – Issue 012

Our latest and last issue as a PDF. This marks a new beginning for us, and marks the actual 2-month countdown for the opening of yam-mag.com. In this issue, McNeil from The Dark of the Matinee gives us a look at what was the Toronto Film Festival this year, and gives his thoughts on Let Me In, Black Swan, and Norwegian Wood.