Tagged: genre: electronic


Su Yunying – Savory Fantasy

Su Yunying (苏运莹) continues promoting her debut album Ming Ming (冥明) with the second single, Xiang Xiang de Huan Xiang ( 香香的幻想), directed by Chihpo Wang (王志伯).


Su Yunying – Ming Ming

The ever quirky Wild Child Su Yunying (苏运莹 or traditional 蘇運瑩) has released a new single and her debut full-length, both titled Ming Ming (冥明), directed by Chihpo Wang (王志伯).


Son Lux – Undone

Here’s the latest Son Lux video, an extract of their 2015 album Bones, titled Undone and directed by David Terry Fine.


Diandra’s 2015 in Music

This is very late, and I couldn’t branch out as much as in previous years, but here are music highlights of 2015.