Lenka – TWO 1

Lenka – TWO

If I could have background music in real life, Lenka’s songs would certainly be a constant. It has a free spirited feeling to it. This is what I love about the album TWO.


Stefanie Sun – The Kingdom of Fools

The Kingdom of Fools (愚人的國度) is the fourth single from Stefanie Sun’s twelfth album titled It’s Time (是时候), which was released just a month ago. The stylized video was directed by Bounce (比尔贾).


Jeremy Ji – Goldfish Tears

Goldfish Tears (金魚的眼淚) is the first single for Jeremy Ji’s (紀佳松) sophomore album Fish Man (魚人), which will be released on April 8th.


Dream Girls – Weak

Dream Girls, formed by Tia Li (李毓芬), Emily Song (宋米秦) — who is Korean — and Puff Kuo (郭雪芙), is a new Taiwanese girl group that’s released their single Weak (軟弱), composed by Yuan Wei-Ren (袁惟仁).


Human League, The – Credo

Credo, The Human League’s latest release, is a trip back to the days of cheerful synthpop, keytars and ugly haircuts -– the good old 80s. It is a venture back to their comfort zone, a blast from the past with slight notes of contemporary electronica and an upbeat attitude.


Gnomeo & Juliet

Gnomeo & Juliet takes the classic Shakespeare story of doomed lovers separated by a family feud and transports it to a garden feud between garden gnomes that become alive when no one is watching.


Gloria – Ep38-Final

The last 13 episodes of Korean drama Gloria focus all their forces in taking older half-brother Ji Suk down. As a new alliance from a forgotten relative is formed, she will do anything in her power to hunt the fox down.


Sucker Punch OST

Most of the time, films use music to fill in awkward gaps in dialogue, or for random mash-up scenes that are meant to pull on your emotional heart strings. Sucker Punch used the music to tell the story