Category: tv reviews


Battlestar Galactica – Season 4

Battlestar Galactica is yet another example of lack of originality in Hollywood these days. A re-imagined series of original 1980’s Battlestar Galactica, it is now in its fourth and final season. Though different from its parent series, it has been able to redefine the sci-fi genre and give us a remarkable show, defined by the intensity of its characters.


Beautiful Rain (Jdrama)

Beautiful Rain tells the story of young single father Keisuke, who is diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s and must figure out what to do with his 8-year-old daughter Miu.


Behind the Candelabra

Soderbergh’s TV movie is a wonderfully entertaining look at the relationship between Liberace and his young lover, Scott Thorson.


Better with You – Season 1

Better with You is a comedy highlighting the differences and similarities between three different generations of couples that include sisters Mia and Maddie with their respective partners and their parents.


Big Bang Theory, The – Season 6

Season 6 is different than previous seasons because the two characters getting the major spotlight are the two extremes: Sheldon and Raj, who has been barely used since the series began… until now.


Big C, The – Season 3

Season 3 is all about remission regarding Cathy Jamison’s cancer, but the problem with the remission theme is that it made Season 3 pretty boring to watch.


Big C, The – Season 1

Cathy is a 40-something-year-old woman diagnosed with terminal cancer, making her reexamine her own life — which includes an apparently loving but too self-absorbed husband Paul, their annoyingly average teenage boy Adam, her against the system bum of a brother Sean, and a job as a high school teacher.