Category: news


Focus (2015) Trailer

The first trailer for Glenn Ficarra and John Requa’s third directorial effort, starring Will Smith and Margot Robbie, has been unleashed online.


Shiina Ringo – Arikitari na Onna

Artist extraordinaire Shiina Ringo has just released a new single titled Arikitari na Onna (ありきたりな女, Une Femme Ordinaire or An Ordinary Woman) with an accompanying (short) PV directed by Yuichi Kodama.


Son Lux – Easy (NSFW)

Son Lux has just released the music video for Easy, another extract of their 2013 album Lanterns, directed by David Terry Fine featuring New York artist Carolyn Weltman life-drawing and sketching bondage scenes by MacK & Seraphine.


Bali Big Brother Trailer

Based on the novel by Sho Kuroiwa, it follows Sachiko who, riddled with debt in Japan, decides to go to Bali where she meets a rich entrepreneur known as Aniki, who will inspire Sachiko to work hard and be successful.