Author: amy


Undertow (Peruvian Film)

Selected by Peru to represent them at the upcoming Academy Awards, Undertow tells the story of Miguel, a fisherman in the small town of Cabo Blanco, where he is having a baby with his wife Mariela, but no one knows that Miguel is having an extramarital affair with Santiago.


Isaac Delgado – L.O.V.E.

Never understood cover tribute albums, but Isaac Delgado’s tribute to Nat King Cole en Español gives more than a playful re-imagining of the songs in Spanish. It’s got Latin Jazz soul.


Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac

Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac, adaptation of the Japanese novel by Gabrielle Zevin of the same name, stars popular Japanese actor/idol Horikita Maki as Naomi, who loses the memory of her boyfriend and her male best friend.



Bandage is directed by Takeshi Kobayashi… who produces great music. Alas, Bandage is not that great of a story or have great characters, but it’s got pretty good music.


Aftershock (Chinese Film)

Aftershock tells the story of a mother who had to choose between her daughter or her son after the devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake that killed more than 200 000 people in Tangshan.


Bibi Zhou – i.Fish.Light.Mirror

Zhou Bichang’s fifth full-length studio album i.Fish.Light.Mirror takes us through different music eras with songs that sound a bit 70s, a bit 90s pop rock and electronic ballads of the early 2000s.


Ghost Writer, The

The Ghost Writer tells the story of a ghost writer — referred to often as The Ghost — who gets hired by the former British Prime Minister Adam Lang — following his wife Ruth’s advice — to help him write his memoirs after the previous Ghost was found dead.


Yu Aoi – Uso.

Presented in a Yu-Aoi-faced hardcover book of six pop-up art pieces, Uso. — or Lie. — is just a simple pop-up book that highlights the team behind the project, instead of the idol.



In Inception, DiCaprio plays Cobb, a man on the run from the US system who happens to work on what is known as “subconscious exploration”, which refers to entering your brain while in a dream-state to obtain information.