Tagged: year: 2011


Winnie the Pooh (2011)

Winnie the Pooh is gentle and heart-warming and it’s just the right kind of film for anyone who wants a simple film with plenty of chuckles and smiles.

Urban Cone – Urban Photograph 3

Urban Cone – Urban Photograph

Urban Cone is a new Swedish electronica/pop/rock group. Last autumn, they released their first song Urban Photograph on their website and it had a very strong impact. The MV to the song was released on July 19, 2011.


Cinema Verite (HBO Films)

Cinema Verite follows a fictionalized account of the production of An American Family, a 1973 PBS documentary series that is one of the earliest examples of the reality television genre.

Infinite – Be Mine 0

Infinite – Be Mine

Be Mine is the title track from Infinite’s upcoming full-length album Over The Top. The MV to Be Mine was released on July 20, 2011