Tagged: year: 1986


YAM – Issue 008

Well, we’ve got reviews for Bright Star, Nine, Princess and the Frog, New York I Love You, Anvil: The Story of Anvil, Sa Dingding’s sophomore album Harmony, SNSD, 2AM, Mosquito-voice Kim JongKook, Modern Family, Nurse Jackie and more!

Plus! We’ve got articles on the direction of Chinese Pop music, our list of actresses that should get a cable show, and our picks that should have been Best Picture nominees at the Academy Awards.


Enki Bilal – The Nikopol Trilogy

Set in 2023, this trilogy follows the return of Nikopol, who after spending 30 years orbiting the earth finds France under fascist rule after two nuclear wars. The result? It’s a cold, scary world out there with aliens, deformed human beings, and total chaos.