Tagged: tom wilkinson


Kennedys, The

The Kennedys is an 8-episode mini-series depicting the lives of the Kennedy family from Joe Kennedy, Sr.’s attempt to start a campaign as president, John’s run for president, marriage, assassination, and Bobby’s run for president and assassination.


Green Hornet, The (2011)

After the death of his father, Britt Reid meets Kato. The two bond over the fact that Mr. Reid, Sr. underestimated both of them throughout their time together. Eventually, it leads them to dress up as superheroes passing as bad guys to get to them…


Ghost Writer, The

The Ghost Writer tells the story of a ghost writer — referred to often as The Ghost — who gets hired by the former British Prime Minister Adam Lang — following his wife Ruth’s advice — to help him write his memoirs after the previous Ghost was found dead.


YAM – Issue 011

We’ve got our very first exclusive! I got a chance to chat with Grammy/Golden Globe/Academy Award winner/nominee Diane Warren. We are also covering a bit on the Lima Film Festival, which just wrapped up their 14th edition. Plus reviews for some of the very best of the blockbuster season in America… and a surprise review for Aftershocks.


YAM – Issue 001

First issue of YAM!!! Thank you to all who helped, but anyway… you’ll read inside.