Tagged: pan’s labyrinth (el laberinto del fauno)


YAM – Issue 012

Our latest and last issue as a PDF. This marks a new beginning for us, and marks the actual 2-month countdown for the opening of yam-mag.com. In this issue, McNeil from The Dark of the Matinee gives us a look at what was the Toronto Film Festival this year, and gives his thoughts on Let Me In, Black Swan, and Norwegian Wood.


Toronto Film Festival 2010

Early September ranks right up there with Christmas thanks to the cinematic nirvana I experience at the Toronto Film Festival. 2010 marked the festival’s 35th anniversary, and my own ninth go-round of the TIFF experience.


YAM – Issue 002

Happy V-day! ~ not that I celebrate or anything, that’s why I bring you a non-Valentine YAM issue. Our second issue, in fact! We’ve kept styles, and we’ve changed a bit of content this time around. More reviews, NO news whatsoever…


Coraline + Other Horrorific Films

Coraline is just another example of the line of great blends between fantasy and horror films. They have it all, art direction, music, a bizarre story, unique characters… they all mix together and seemingly create a brand new world bordering on real life and an alternate world where everything might be possible.